Saturday, January 19, 2019

1) Antibiotics should be prescribed for all viral and bacterial infections.

Antibiotics do not treat viral infections and if antibiotics are used too much, then the infections will build up an immunity.

2) There is no evidence for evolution beyond the fossil record.

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There is much more evidence for evolution than fossils such as homologous structures and genetic code.

3) Structural Homologies only exist in animals, never in plants.

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Plants too have homologous structures like those seen in animals. In some plants like the pitcher, venus fly trap, poinsettia and cactus, the leaves show different functions and shapes from the ‘normal’ leaves we think about. Each of these leaves is a homologous structure, derived from a common ancestral form.

4) When the environment changes all species living in it will change to adapt to it.

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Not all species in an environment will adapt to a new environment and that is when natural selection occurs as some species that haven’t adapted to the new environment will not survive.

5) Whales lost their hind limbs because they stopped using them.

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As whales transitioned to an aquatic lifestyle, their legs were of less use however, they did not completely lose their hind limbs they are now just very small structures in the whale.

6) We have never been able to observe evolution.

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We have observed evolution on a small scale in plants who have evolved to resist pesticides and other similar situations.

7) We have never been able to observe speciation.

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Speciation is defined as the splitting of one species into two or more or the transformation of one species to another over time. We have directly observed speciation in populations of Ensatina salamanders. All of the species of salamander are proven to have come from one species.

8) Bird and bat wings can only be described as homologous structures, not as analogous structures.

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Though bird and bat wings are homologous structures, they serve the same purpose in their respective species therefore they are analogous.

9) Evolution results in progress; organisms are always getting better through evolution.

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One important mechanism of evolution, natural selection, does result in the evolution of improved abilities to survive and reproduce; however, this does not mean that evolution is progressive. Natural selection does not produce organisms perfectly suited to their environments. It often allows the survival of individuals with a range of traits — individuals that are "good enough" to survive. Hence, evolutionary change is not always necessary for species to persist.

10) Individual organisms can evolve during a lifespan.

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Evolutionary change is based on changes in the genetic makeup of populations over time. Populations, not individual organisms, evolve.

11) Natural selection involves organisms trying to adapt.

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Natural selection leads to the adaptation of species over time, but the process does not involve effort, trying, or wanting. Natural selection naturally results from genetic variation in a population and the fact that some of those variants may be able to leave more offspring in the next generation than other variants.

12) Natural selection gives organisms what they need.

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Natural selection has no intentions or senses; it cannot sense what a species or an individual "needs." Natural selection acts on the genetic variation in a population, and this genetic variation is generated by random mutation.

13) Natural selection acts for the good of the species.

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 Natural selection has no foresight or intentions. In general, natural selection simply selects among individuals in a population, favoring traits that enable individuals to survive and reproduce, yielding more copies of those individuals' genes in the next generation.

14) Natural selection always produces the best solution to a selective advantage.

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Natural selection produces good enough solutions but not always the best.

15) The fittest organisms in a population are those that are strongest, healthiest, fastest, and/or largest.

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Though "survival of the fittest" is the catchphrase of natural selection, "survival of the fit enough" is more accurate. In most populations, organisms with many different genetic variations survive, reproduce, and leave offspring carrying their genes in the next generation.

16) Sexual selection does not support the idea of survival of the fittest.

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Sexual selection does support the idea of survival of the fittest because if two organisms that have the best genes have offspring then those offspring would have the best genes.

17) There is no evolutionary advantage for a peacock having a large, fancy tail.

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A peacock’s large and fancy tail is used to attract females so that the males can reproduce. Therefore, it is an evolutionary advantage.

18) Sexual selection only involves male competition.

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Sexual selection involves male competition and female choice of fitness.

19) Survival is the most important part of natural selection.

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Survival is not the most important part of natural selection because being the “fittest” organism and being the “fittest” means that the organism reproduces to pass along its genes.

20) Organisms undergo mutations when they need to.

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Organisms do not undergo mutations when they need to because mutations are random and many organisms do not mutate even though they might need to.

21) Evolution only affects physical traits and not behavioral traits.

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Evolution can affect behavioral traits such as mating calls in animals and turtles knowing to walk towards the moon when born. These are traits that assist organisms in survival and reproduction.

22) Evolution is “just” a theory.

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Evolution has significant evidence in the form of fossils, homologous structures, genetic code, and direct observation.

23) Only organisms (cells and larger) can evolve. Molecules cannot evolve.

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Molecular evolution does exist and is the process of change in the sequence composition of cellular molecules such as DNA, RNA, and proteins across generations.

24) Abiogenesis is a theory.

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Abiogenesis has been proven to exist through experiments by Oparin and Haldane and Miller and Urey.

25) The primitive atmosphere had to contain oxygen before life could evolve.

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The primitive atmosphere did not need to contain oxygen, it only required small organic molecules such as carbon and hydrogen, among other more complex things.

26) The strongest evidence supporting the endosymbiotic theory is that mitochondria and bacteria are the same size and have a similar shape.

The stronger evidence of the endosymbiotic theory is the presence of two membranes in membrane bound organelles.

27) Prokaryotic cells are less fit for their environment than eukaryotic cells

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Though prokaryotes are smaller and less complex, they still have the ability to change and adapt to their environments.

28) Phylogenetic trees are facts that cannot be changed.

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Phylogenetic trees are based on theory and often change as more information is discovered.

29) The best way to determine relatedness of species is to look at their morphology.

The best way to determine relatedness is not to look at morphology, but to compare bases in DNA.

30) The human eye was too complex to evolve.

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The human eye was not always as complex as it currently is, it evolved from an eye spot to its current structure.

31) It is uncommon for a trait to evolve independently in different lineages of organisms.

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A trait evolving independently in different lineages of organisms is known as convergent evolution.

32) The biological species concept (that individuals must be able to interbreed to be the same species) works for all species and organisms.

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The biological species concept does not apply to asexual organisms.